Communication Workshop

Good communication is the key to any relationship and a strong, happy marriage thrives on both people being able to express themselves clearly, especially when under pressure.

I offer a 2 hour workshop on ‘Communication Confidence’ which is focussed exclusively on you as a couple. The workshop will enable you to…

◈ Express what you each want clearly and confidently.

◈ Explore your differences and work with them!

◈ Deal with disagreements in a reasonable way without blaming, sulking or losing your temper.

◈ Strengthen your relationship by understanding each other’s communication styles even better.

Make decisions together, predict your partner’s behaviour in any given situation and stay calm under pressure.

How does it work?

Each person fills in a communication style questionnaire separately which forms the basis of our discussion on how you tend to relate to others. We are all a combination of communication styles but everyone has a ‘default setting’ – a dominant style that we prefer to use and that usually gets more pronounced when we are under pressure.

How will this help?

Knowing how to relate to each other more effectively will help you to make decisions together, predict your partner’s behaviour in any given situation and stay calm under pressure. It gives you a solid framework to use in your communication with one another.

 How much does it cost?


Your 2-hour Communication Confidence workshop is just £300 including a printout or e-copy of your own personal communication style profile.

Get in touch today

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